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Our Strength In Care


Our strength in the care we provide is that we don’t give up. We have seen the behaviours of concerns before, and have dealt with them. We don’t get intimidated or quickly turned off. We are in it for the long haul and want to see the results.

We are trained professionals who have extensive knowledge of the brain chemistry and developmental issues that many people with disability have. We understand their behaviours and create an atmosphere where the participant can thrive and have the choices they need and want.

We are experienced in working with severe mental health issues, autism, schizophrenia, ADD, ADHD and other disorders.

We understand communication techniques used as well as therapeutic and trauma-informed care. We are extensively trained and Strength In Care provides ongoing support and supervision for their staff.

We are experienced in working within the NDIS space and can help you find the best supports and use your funding to your advantage.